Effective Approximation and Dynamics of Many-Body Quantum Systems Mini Workshop
Third meeting for the research group on Effective Approximation and Dynamics of Many-Body Quantum Systems.
Held at the University of Rennes, 5th - 7th March 2025.
Sponsored by ANR (ANR-22-CE92-0013) and DFG (DFG PE 3245/3-1).
For more information on the research project see the link ( https://effective-quantum.org )
Tamim Al-Qaiwani ( Constructor University Bremen )
Michele Fantechi ( University of Lorraine )
Shahnaz Farhat ( Constructor University Bremen )
Raphäel Gautier ( University of Rennes )
Jakob Geisler ( Technical University of Braunschweig )
Viviana Grasselli ( University of Lorraine )
Matthias Herdzik ( Technical University of Braunschweig )
Denis Périce ( Constructor University Bremen )
Andrew Rout ( University of Rennes )